Arnold v. Sarn
A class action suit—Arnold v. Sarn—was filed in 1981 against the State of Arizona alleging that the Arizona Department of Health Services/Division of Behavioral Health Services (ADHS) and Maricopa County did not provide a comprehensive community mental health system as required by statute.
In 1986, the trial court entered judgment holding the State (ADHS) and Maricopa County violated its statutory duty; the Supreme Court affirmed this decision in 1989.
In January 2014, officials at ADHS, Maricopa County, and office of the Governor reached an agreement with Plaintiffs, Stipulation for Providing Community Services and Terminating Litigation, signed in January 2014, whereby they agreed to provide certain community services and terminate the litigation. The agreement includes an increase of services in four areas: Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Supported Employment (SE), Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), and Consumer Operated Services (COS) (also known as Peer and Family Support Services). The agreement also provides for the use of several tools by the parties to evaluate services provided in Maricopa County, including a quality service review, service capacity assessment, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) fidelity review.
As part of the exit stipulations, the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS)/Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) and the State of Arizona agreed to the following:
- Increase ACT teams from 15 in fiscal year 2014 to 23 by the end of fiscal year 2016.
- Increase the capacity of supported employment in Maricopa County. By the end of fiscal year 2016, the system will be capable of handling 750 more members with supported employment services.
- Increase the number supportive housing slots in Maricopa County. By the end of fiscal year 2016, 1200 more seriously mentally ill members will receive supportive housing services.
- Increase the number of peer and family members who may receive these support services in Maricopa County. By the end of fiscal year 2016, space for an additional 1,500 peer and family members to receive the aforementioned support services will be made available.
Since 2016, AHCCCS has continued to support the implementation of the four services within Maricopa County.
July 2024 - June 2025
- ACT CBI Avondale
- ACT CBI Mesa Heritage
- ACT Copa Health Gateway
- ACT Copa Health Metro Varsity
- ACT La Frontera EMPACT Comunidad
- ACT Lifewell Desert Cove
- ACT Southwest Network Saguaro
- ACT Terros Health 23rd Avenue Team One
- ACT Terros Health Priest
- ACT Valleywise Mesa Riverview
July 2023 - June 2024
- ACT CBI 99th Ave
- ACT Copa Health West Valley
- ACT Copa Health (M-ACT)
- ACT La Frontera Capitol Center
- ACT La Frontera EMPACT Tempe
- ACT Lifewell South Mountain
- ACT Southwest Network Northern Star
- ACT Southwest Network Saguaro
- ACT Southwest Network San Tan
- ACT Terros Health 51st Ave
- ACT Terros Health 23rd Ave Team Two
July 2022 - June 2023
- ACT CBI 99th Ave.
- ACT CBI Avondale
- ACT CBI (F-ACT) Three
- ACT CBI Mesa Heritage
- ACT Copa Health Gateway
- ACT Copa Health Metro Omega
- ACT Copa Health Metro Varsity
- ACT Copa Health West Valley
- ACT Lifewell Desert Cove
- ACT Lifewell South Mountain
- ACT Terros Health 23rd Ave – Team One
- ACT Terros Health Priest Drive Recovery Center
- ACT Valleywise Mesa Riverview
July 2021 - June 2022
- ACT CBI Avondale
- ACT CBI Mesa Heritage
- ACT Copa Health (M-ACT)
- ACT Copa Health Gateway
- ACT Copa Health Metro Omega
- ACT Copa Health Metro Omega – Response Form
- ACT La Frontera EMPACT Comunidad
- ACT Lifewell Desert Cove
- ACT Southwest Network San Tan
- ACT Terros Health Priest Drive Recovery Center
- ACT Valleywise Mesa Riverview
- ACT Valleywise Mesa Riverview – Response Form
Supported Employment
July 2020 - June 2021
- ACT Terros Health 23rd Ave. - One - Response Form
- ACT Terros Health 23rd Ave. - Two - Response Form
- ACT CBI (F-ACT) - Three
- ACT CBI (F-ACT) - Two
- ACT CBI 99th Ave.
- ACT Copa Health Metro Varsity
- ACT Copa Health West Valley
- ACT LaFrontera EMPACT Capitol Center
- ACT LaFrontera EMPACT Tempe
- ACT Lifewell South Mountain
- ACT Southwest Network Nothern Star
- ACT Southwest Network Saguaro
- ACT Terros Health 23rd Ave. - Two
- ACT Terros Health 23rd Ave. - One
- ACT Terros Health 51st Ave
Supported Employment
July 2019 - June 2020
- ACT CBI Avondale
- ACT CBI (F-ACT) - One
- ACT Copa Health (M-ACT)
- ACT CBI Mesa Heritage
- ACT La Frontera EMPACT Comunidad
- ACT Lifewell Behavioral Wellness-Royal Palms
- ACT MIHS Mesa Riverview
- ACT Pir-Metro
- ACT Pir-Metro Response Form
- ACT SWN San Tan
- ACT Terros Health Priest Drive Recovery Center
- ACT Terros Health Priest Drive Recovery Center/Response Form
Supported Employment
July 2018 - June 2019
July 2017 - June 2018
- ACT CBI Avondale
- ACT CBI (f-ACT) - Three
- ACT CBI Forensic Team (F-ACT)
- ACT CPLC Centro Esperanza
- ACT Fact 1
- ACT LaFrontera EMPACT- Capitol
- ACT La Frontera Empact Comunidad
- ACT La Frontera Empact Tempe
- ACT Lifewell South Mountain
- ACT MIHS Mesa Riverview
- ACT PIR Medical ACT (M-ACT)
- ACT PIR Metro Omega
- ACT PIR Metro Varsity
- ACT PIR West Valley
- ACT SWN Mesa Heritage
- ACT SWN Osborn
- ACT SWN Royal Palms
- ACT SWN Saguaro
- ACT SWN San Tan
- ACT Terros Enclave
- ACT Terros 23rd Ave Recovery Center
- ACT Terros 23rd Ave - Team Two
- ACT Terros 51st Ave
- ACT 99th Ave
July 2016 - June 2017
- ACT CBI FACT Team Three
- ACT CBI Avondale
- ACT CPLC Centro Esperanza
- ACT CPLC Maryvale
- ACT La Frontera-Capitol
- ACT La Frontera-EMPACT Comunidad
- ACT La Frontera-EMPACT Madison
- ACT Lifewell South Central
- ACT PIR Metro Center (Omega)
- ACT PIR Metro Center (Varsity)
- ACT PIR West Valley
- ACT SWN Bethany Village
- ACT SWN Mesa Heritage
- ACT SWN Osborn
- ACT SWN Saguaro
- ACT SWN San Tan
- ACT Terros Dunlap
- ACT Terros Enclave
- ACT Terros Townley
- ACT Terros West McDowell
- PSH AHCCMS | Response
- PSH La Frontera-EMPACT ACT
- PSH Lifewell Behavioral Wellness ACT
- MARC Fidelity | Response
- PSH RI International | Response
- PSH Lifewell Behavioral Wellness | Response
- PSH Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
- PSH Southwest Network Assertive Community Treatment
- PSH - Terros ACT
July 2015 - June 2016
- ACT Choices Enclave
- ACT Circle the City
- ACT Community Bridges FACT Team One
- ACT Community Bridges FACT Team Two
- ACT CPLC Centro Esperanza
- ACT La Frontera-EMPACT Capitol
- ACT La Frontera-EMPACT Comunidad
- ACT Lifewell South Central | Response
- ACT PIR MACT | Response
- ACT PIR Metro Center (Omega)
- ACT PIR Metro Center (Varsity)
- ACT PIR West Valley
- PSH SWN ACT | Response
- ACT SWN Bethany Village
- ACT SWN Hampton
- ACT SWN Osborn
- ACT SWN Saguaro
- ACT SWN San Tan
- ACT Terros Townley
- ACT Terros West McDowell | Response
- PSH AHCCMS | Response
- PSH CFSS | Response
- PSH Community Bridges
- PSH Community Bridges ACT
- PSH Horizon Health and Wellness
- PSH La Frontera-EMPACT ACT
- PSH Lifewell Behavioral Wellness | Response
- PSH Lifewell Behavioral Wellness ACT
- PSH MARC Community Resources | Response
- PSH PSA | Response
- PSH RI International | Response
- PSH Southwest Behavioral & Health Services
- PSH Terros | Response
- PSH Terros ACT | Response
- ACT Choices Enclave | Response
- ACT Choices South Central | Response
- ACT Choices Townley | Response
- ACT Choices West McDowell
- ACT PCN Capitol
- ACT PCN Centro Esperanza | Response
- ACT PCN Comunidad
- ACT PCN Comunidad FACT
- ACT PIR Metro Center (Omega)
- ACT PIR Metro Center (Varsity)
- ACT PIR West Valley | Response
- ACT SWN Bethany Village
- ACT SWN Hampton
- ACT SWN Osborn | Response
- ACT SWN San Tan
- PSH Arizona mentor
- PSH CFSS | Response
- PSH Choices ACT
- PSH Helping Hearts | Response
- PSH Lifewell Behavioral Wellness | Response
- PSH MARC Community Resources | Response
- PSH PIR ACT | Response
- PSH RI International | Response
- PSH SMMHC - Mountain Health and Wellness
- PSH Southwest Behavioral Health
- PSH SWN ACT | Response
- PSH Terros
Fidelity Information
Officials at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) developed fidelity tools to evaluate Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), Supported Employment (SE), Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), and Consumer Operated Services (COS) (also known as Peer and Family Support Services). Each year, providers are selected to participate in a fidelity review of the service provided.
Learn about each individual fidelity tool below:
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a team based service delivery system available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for members with a serious mental illness designation in Maricopa County who have been assigned to an ACT team. ACT teams provide individualized, flexible services to those living in the community, and each team includes no less than 10 professional health care workers with varied experience, including: a psychiatrist, nurse, social worker, substance abuse specialist, vocational rehabilitation specialist, and a peer specialist.
SAMHSA's ACT fidelity tool is used to evaluate selected ACT teams in Maricopa County on an annual basis.
Supported Employment (SE) are services to help members with a serious mental illness designation prepare, identify, attain and maintain competitive employment. These services include job coaching, transportation, assistive technology, specialized job training, and individually tailored supervision.
SAMHSA's SE fidelity tool is used to evaluate selected SE providers in Maricopa County on an annual basis.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) are housing services with tenancy rights that support members with a serious mental illness designation to attain and maintain affordable housing. PSH is both the housing, and the support services to help someone stay in integrated housing. Critical aspects of PSH are: tenancy rights, the tenant pays no more than 30% of their income toward rent, and that the tenant has a choice of where they live.
This program also includes rental subsidies, vouchers, bridge funding.
SAMHSA's PSH fidelity toolis used to evaluate selected PSH providers in Maricopa County on an annual basis.
Consumer Operated Services (COS) are peer support services provided by those who have personal experience with mental illness and/or substance use. These services, which can be provided in individual or group settings, are aimed at assisting in the creation of skills to promote long-term, sustainable recovery.
Family support services are for family members interested in supporting their family member's treatment and recovery from mental illness and/or substance use. Family members receive training to enable them to identify and provide assistance when their family member may experience an episode of crisis. COS also generally includes education about mental illness and substance use, and related community services available.
SAMHSA’s COS fidelity tool is used to evaluate selected COS providers in Maricopa County on an annual basis.
- Arnold v. ADHS, Stipulation for Providing Community Services and Terminating Litigation - January 8, 2014
- Arnold vs. Sarn - Signed and Final Agreement, May 2012
- Arnold vs. Sarn Update - March 12, 2010
- Arnold vs. Sarn March 9, 2010 Court Order
- Arnold v. Sarn Status Report - December 19, 2008
- An Open Letter to the Behavioral Health Community - December 29, 2004
- Arnold v. Sarn Joint Stipulation on Exit Criteria
- Arnold v. Sarn Supplemental Agreement
- 9 Guiding Principles for Recovery Oriented Adult Behavioral Health Services and Systems
- Office of the Court Monitor 2006 Independent Review
- Maricopa County QM Plan
Below is a glossary for the most commonly used terminology in the Arnold v. Sarn suit—click on any term to reveal its definition.
Affordable HousingHousing, either ownership or rental, for which a household will pay no more than 30% percent of its gross annual income.
Case Manager
A worker that assists the client's medical, psychosocial and environmental needs. Coordinates resources and access to appropriate health care system resources and other supportive services.
Chronically Homeless Person
(HUD Definition) An unaccompanied individual experiencing homelessness with a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more OR has had at least four (4) episodes of homelessness in the past three (3) years. Individuals who are in transitional housing or permanent supportive housing programs are not considered chronically homeless even if they have been in the program more than a year.
Continuum of Care
(HUD Definition) A community plan to organize and deliver housing and services to meet the specific needs of people experiencing homelessness as they move to stable housing and maximum self-sufficiency. It includes action steps to end homelessness and prevent a return to homelessness.
Dual Diagnosis
Refers to a diagnosis of more than one of the following: emotional/behavioral disorder, substance abuse disorder or physical disability.
Eligibility Requirement
The conditions a person must meet in order to become a participant in a program or service.
Emergency Housing
Designed to assist individuals experiencing homelessness with immediate temporary shelter/housing, with the goal of moving into transitional and/or permanent housing. Also called "Bridge Housing."
Emergency Shelter
Any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations. The primary purpose, of which, is to provide temporary shelter for people experiencing homelessness in general or for specific populations experiencing homelessness. The length of stay can range depending on the shelter's guidelines.
Extremely Low Income
At or below 30% of the area median income.
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
HIPAA was enacted by the U.S Congress in 1996. Title II of HIPAA defines numerous offenses relating to health care and sets civil and criminal penalties for them. It also creates several programs to control fraud and abuse within the health care system. However, the most significant provisions of Title II are its Administrative Simplification rules. Title II requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to draft rules aimed at increasing the efficiency of the health care system by creating standards for the use and dissemination of health care information.
Housing Navigator/Specialist
Housing First
Housing First (from the National Alliance to End Homelessness): A "housing first" approach rests on two central premises: 1) Re-housing should be the central goal of our work with people experiencing homelessness; and 2) Providing housing assistance and follow-up case management services after a family or individual is housed can significantly reduce the time people spend in homelessness. Case management ensures individuals and families have a source of income through employment and/or public benefits, identifies service needs before the move into permanent housing, and works with families or adults after the move into permanent housing to help solve problems that may arise that threaten their tenancy including difficulties sustaining housing or interacting with the landlord and to connect families with community-based services to meet long term support/service needs.
HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development)
A federal department active in a variety of national housing programs including urban renewal and public housing.
Low Income
Income at or below 80% of the area median income.
A health insurance program administered by the United States government, covering people who are either age 65 and over, or who meet other special criteria, such as a disabling illness (i.e. severe mental illness). It was originally signed into law on July 30, 1965 by President Lyndon B. Johnson as amendments to Social Security legislation.
Multiply Diagnosed
This generally refers to people who have chronic alcohol and/or other drug use problems and/or a serious mental illness and/or are HIV-positive. The terms "dually diagnosed" and "triply diagnosed" are also used.
Permanent Housing
Housing which is intended to be the tenant's home for as long as they choose. In the supportive housing model, services are available to the tenant, but accepting services cannot be required of tenants or in any way impact their tenancy. Tenants of permanent housing sign legal lease documents.
Permanent Supportive Housing
(HUD Definition) Long-term, community-based housing that has supportive services for persons with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness. This type of supportive housing enables populations with a disability to live as independently as possible in a permanent setting. The supportive services may be provided by the organization managing the housing or coordinated by the applicant and provided by other public or private service agencies. Permanent housing can be provided in one structure or several structures at one site or in multiple structures at scattered sites. There is no definite length of stay.
Person With A Disability
HUD's Section 8 program defines a "person with a disability" as: a person who is determined to: 1) have a physical, mental, or emotional impairment that is expected to be of continued and indefinite duration, substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently, and is of such a nature that the ability could be improved by more suitable housing conditions; or 2) have a developmental disability, as defined in the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.
The process of sending a patient/client from one social service agency to another health care or social service agency. Agencies may require written documentation for referral.
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Federal agency which administers various programs related to SAMHSA within the Department of Mental Health. SAMHSA also refers to block grant funding received from SAMHSA to pay for certain services.
Section 8
A long term subsidized housing program, which allows qualified individuals to pay 30% of their income towards rent.
Serious Mental Illness (SMI)
A condition of persons who are eighteen years of age or older and who, as a result of a mental disorder as defined in A.R.S. 36-501, exhibit emotional or behavioral functioning which is so impaired as to interfere substantially with their capacity to remain in the community without supportive treatment or services of a long -term or indefinite duration. In these persons mental disability is severe and persistent, resulting in a long-term limitation of their functional capacities for primary activities of daily living such as interpersonal relationships, homemaking, self-care, employment and recreation.
Shelter Plus Care
Is a program that provides rental assistance for persons with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness. This program is designed to provide long-term housing for a person with a disability experiencing homelessness (primarily those with serious mental illness, chronic problems with alcohol and or drugs, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or related diseases), and their families who are living in a place not intended for human habitation (e.g. street) or in emergency shelters.
Sliding Fee Schedule
The charge for services based upon the income and family size of the individual or family requesting services.
SRO (Single Room Occupancy)
(HUD Definition) A residential property that includes multiple single room dwelling units. Each unit is for occupancy by a single eligible individual. The unit need not, but may, contain food preparation or sanitary facilities, or both.
Subsidized Housing
Is a government supported accommodation for people with low to moderate income. To meet these goals many governments promote the construction of affordable housing. Forms of subsidies include direct housing subsidies, non-profit housing, public housing, rent supplements and some forms of co-operative and private sector housing.
Substance Use Issues
The problems resulting from a pattern of using substances such as alcohol and drugs. Problems can include: a failure to fulfill major responsibilities and/or using substances in spite of physical, legal, social, and interpersonal problems and risks.
Supportive Services
(HUD Definition) Services that assist a client in the transition from the streets or shelters into permanent or permanent supportive housing, and that assist persons with living successfully in housing.
Transitional Housing
(HUD Definition) Transitional housing as a project that is designed to provide housing and appropriate support services to people experiencing homelessness to facilitate movement to independent living within 24 months. For purposes of the HOME program, there is not a HUD-approved time period for moving to independent living.
An individual in need who receives no services.
A Voucher generally refers to a Section 8 Voucher provided by a local Housing Authority to a low or moderate income person but can also refer to an emergency voucher for short-term motel voucher for a person experiencing homelessness. The Section 8 Voucher issued by Housing Authority makes up, in payment directly to the landlord, the difference between what a low or moderate income tenant can pay for rent (roughly 30% of their income) and the Fair Market Rent (more or less an average rent). Most Section 8 Vouchers are "tenant-based" meaning that the voucher holder can shop for an apartment or house rental on the private market, while others are "project based", meaning that they are not portable, but can only be used in a specific building.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Arnold v. Sarn. For further inquiries, please email
Q1. Who is an Arnold v. Sarn class member?
Q2. What is GSA6?
Q3. How many persons with a Serious Mental Illness designation are there in Maricopa County?
Q4. Why don't these services apply state-wide?
Q5. Who were Arnold and Sarn?
Q6. How do we track services provided?
Q7. What is an ACT team?
Q8. What is Supportive Housing?
Q9. What is Supported Employment?
Q10. What are Peer and Family services?
Who is an Arnold v. Sarn class member?
As identified in the exit stipulations, a member is someone who is: at least 18 years of age, has a serious mental illness designation, and lives in Maricopa County.
What is GSA6?
Historically, Maricopa County was identified as geographic service area (GSA) six under Arizona Department of Health Services/Division of Behavioral Health Services (ADHS). Currently, Maricopa County is considered part of the Central GSA under AHCCCS.
How many persons with a Serious Mental Illness designation are there in Maricopa County?
As of December 2021, there were 36,718 individuals with a serious mental illness designation in Maricopa County.
Why don't these services apply state-wide?
The Arnold v. Sarn Stipulation for Providing Community Services and for Terminating the Litigation was signed by the parties in January 2014, and applies to members in Maricopa County. Nevertheless, the principles agreed to by the parties and incorporated into the behavioral health system in Maricopa County are encouraged state-wide.
Who were Arnold and Sarn?
Charles "Chick" Arnold is an attorney who specializes in mental health and elder law, serving the elderly, people with developmental disabilities and serious mental illness. He was the guardian for the plaintiffs when the initial lawsuit was filed in 1981.
James E. Sarn, MD, MPH was the director of ADHS from 1980-1983. -
How do we track services provided?
Historically, ADHS worked with plaintiffs and officials at the Regional Behavioral Health Authority to clearly define each service area so a census could be gathered before the increase in services. The increase in ACT teams, Supportive Housing, Supported Employment and Peer and Family Services began July 1, 2014. AHCCCS continues to collaborate with the Central Regional Behavioral Health Agreement (RBHA) to track services, member needs, and outcomes.
What is an ACT team?
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is a team-based service delivery system available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, for members with a serious mental illness designation in Maricopa County who have been assigned to a team. The teams provide individualized, flexible services to those living in the community. An ACT team includes more than 10 professional health care workers with varied experience, including: a psychiatrist, nurse, social worker, substance abuse specialist, vocational rehabilitation specialist, and a peer specialist.
What is Supportive Housing?
Supportive Housing, identified by SAMHSA as Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), are housing services with tenancy rights that support members with a serious mental illness designation to attain and keep affordable housing. PSH is both housing, and the support services, to help someone stay in integrated housing. Critical aspects of PSH are: tenancy rights, the tenant pays no more than 30% of their income toward rent, and that the tenant has a choice of where they live. This program also includes rental subsidies, vouchers, and bridge funding.
What is Supported Employment?
Supported Employment (SE) are services to help members with a serious mental illness designation prepare, identify, attain and maintain competitive employment. This program also includes job coaching, transportation, assistive technology, specialized job training, and individually tailored supervision.
What are Peer and Family services?
Peer support services, identified by SAMHSA under the umbrella of Consumer Operated Services (COS), are provided by those who have personal experience with mental illness and/or substance use. These services, which can be provided in individual or group settings, are aimed at assisting in the creation of skills to promote long-term, sustainable recovery.
Family support services, also under the SAMHSA COS umbrella, are for those family members interested in supporting someone's treatment and recovery from mental illness and/or substance use. Family members receive training to enable them to identify and provide assistance when their family member may be experiencing an episode of crisis. COS also includes education about mental illness and substance abuse, and about those community services available.
Revised 08/23/2024