Apply for AHCCCS Medical Assistance/KidsCare

If you are waiting for your application to be processed or you are not eligible for AHCCCS medical assistance, you may qualify to receive drug and alcohol and mental health treatment services through other funding sources administered by the Regional Behavioral Health Authority (RBHA). For more information, contact the RBHA in your area: Central Arizona at 800-564-5465; Northern Arizona at 800-322-8670; Southern Arizona at 866-495-6738.

Apply Online

You can apply online for AHCCCS Medical Assistance, Nutrition Assistance, and Cash Assistance using Health-e-Arizona Plus (HEAplus). You can apply for yourself, your family, or someone close to you.

You may be able to reduce office visits and postage delays by using Health-e-Arizona Plus.

Health-e-Arizona Plus

Note: Health-e-Arizona Plus is offered in both English and Spanish.

Get Help Applying From a Community Assistor

Do you need help applying for AHCCCS Health Insurance, Nutrition Assistance (formerly Food Stamps), or TANF Cash Assistance? There are over 150 Community Partner organizations throughout the state using HEAplus to help Arizonans apply online. Find an assistor near you. (Encuentra un asistente cerca de ti)

Print an Application

Click on the link to DES below if you (or the person you are applying for) are one or more of the following:

  • An adult without children
  • A pregnant woman
  • A family with children
  • A child only

You can use one application to apply for AHCCCS Medical Assistance for everyone in your household. Applications for AHCCCS Health Insurance are available on the Department of Economic Security (DES) Application page:

Click on the link to the application below if you (or the person you are applying for) are one or more of the following:

  • 65 years of age or older
  • An individual who is blind or disabled
  • A working individual with a disability (Freedom to Work)
  • An individual that wants help with Medicare costs only

The application below is to apply for AHCCCS Health Insurance and/or Medicare Costs Sharing programs. To open the form so you can print it, click on the link below.

Note: This application process does not apply for individuals who are in need of Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) services, such as in home healthcare, nursing facility, or assisted living. To apply for Long Term Care, see below.

How to Apply for Arizona Long Term Care (ALTCS)

The Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) is the State of Arizona’s Medicaid program that provides long term care services, at little or no cost, to financially and medically eligible Arizona residents who have an age related and/or physical disability or have a developmental disability and require skilled level of care.

However, program participants do not have to reside in a nursing home. Many ALTCS participants live in their own homes or an assisted living facility and receive needed in-home services.

A person must qualify both financially and medically to be eligible for ALTCS.

  • Medically, you must be in an immediate need of a nursing home level of care, or a care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and require assistance with your activities of daily living (you are not required to reside in a facility).
  • Financially, a single applicant cannot exceed $2901.00 per month in gross monthly income, and resources cannot exceed $2000.00 per month.

You may register an ALTCS application online in Health-e-Arizona Plus by creating an HEAplus account. See How to Register an Application for Arizona Long Term Care System in Health-e-Arizona Plus.

Here is a video on using the ALTCS Customer Portal

Both a financial and medical interview will be completed after the application is registered.

You may also call 1-888-621-6880, or fax 1-888-507-3313 to apply for ALTCS.