Health Insurance for Working Individuals with a Disability, also known as 'Freedom to Work Program'
AHCCCS offers insurance for qualified individuals who are working and have a disability. This program is called the AHCCCS Freedom to Work Program.
To learn more, select one of the following:
The applicant may qualify for this program if the applicant:
- Is age 16 - 64
- Is an Arizona resident
- Is a United States citizen or a qualified immigrant
- Is working and paying taxes
- Has a Social Security number or applies for one
- To apply for a Social Security number visit the U.S. Social Security Administration
- Make a copy of the form submitted as confirmation of applying for a Social Security Number
- Receives Social Security disability or is determined blind or disabled by the Disability Determination Services Administration (DDSA)
- Is not eligible for any other AHCCCS program
- Has countable monthly earned income (after allowable deductions) under $3,138.00 per month (only about half of your earnings will be used as your monthly countable income). AHCCCS does not count income of your family members nor unearned income such as Social Security. Assets are not counted when determining eligibility.
Interested in learning how employment earnings affect your public benefits?
Contact the Benefits 2 Work Program.
This program has a premium of up to $35.00 per month.
To apply for the AHCCCS Freedom to Work program, call the AHCCCS Freedom to Work Unit:
- Within Maricopa County: 602-417-6677
- Statewide: 1-800-654-8713 - Option 6