American Indian Health Program (AIHP) (Health Plan ID #999998)

American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) enrolled in AHCCCS or Children's Health Insurance Program (KidsCare) may choose to receive their coverage through the AHCCCS American Indian Health Program (AIHP) or one of the AHCCCS-contracted managed health plans called AHCCCS Complete Care Plans ("ACC").

AHCCCS American Indian Health Program Member Resources

AHCCCS American Indian Health Program (AIHP) provides medically necessary services for enrolled members, including preventive and behavioral health care services. See the Member Handbook (linked below) for more information about AIHP.

Member Handbook | Rich Text Version

Accessing Behavioral Health Services

AIHP Member Resource List

Obtaining Services

AIHP members may receive health care services from Indian Health Facilities (the Indian Health Service, tribally-operated "638" health programs, urban Indian health clinics) and other AHCCCS-registered providers.

Unique Program Choices

AI/AN members can switch their enrollment between AHCCCS AIHP and an AHCCCS Complete Care (ACC) Health Plan and back again at any time. However, a member can change from one ACC Health Plan to another (for example, Mercy Care Plan to Molina Healthcare) only once a year.


To request an ID card replacement Call AHCCCS
To change from the American Indian Health Program to an AHCCCS Complete Care health plan Call AHCCCS
To change from AHCCCS Complete Care Health Plan to the American Indian Health Program If you called AHCCCS and were told to complete the AIHP-002 Form. Complete this form with proof of your Tribal membership/enrollment.
AIHP-002 (English) | AIHP-002 (Spanish)
To change from AHCCCS Complete Care Health Plan to the American Indian Health Program If you called AHCCCS and were told to contact an IHS Benefit Coordinator or Patient Enrollment Specialist. Only AHCCCS registered Indian Health Service (IHS), Tribally owned/and or operated 638 facilities and Urban Indian Health Organizations (receiving Title V funding from IHS) may use this form. AIHP-001

Frequently Ask Questions

  1. Q. Should I send in my original documents with the American Indian Health Program Change Request by Member form, when I want to change my health plan?
    • A: No. Please only send copies of your documents, do not send orginals.
  2. Q. How long does it take once I submit the American Indian Health Program Change Request by Member form for the change to take place?
    • A: 24-48 business hours from the time of receipt of request, along with Tribal membership/enrollment documents.
  3. Q. Where do I find a list of approved proof of connection to a Federally Recognized Tribe?
    • A: Page 2 in the American Indian Health Program Change Request by Member form. Under the documents issued by a federally recognized Indian Tribe or the Bureau of Indian Affairs is a list.