AHCCCS Provider Enrollment thanks providers who were able to attend the March 2025 Forum to review the upcoming changes to the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP) effective April 27, 2025.
For those who were unable to attend the meeting or would like to review the information again, the following resources are now available:
The meeting included time for Questions and Answers. AHCCCS is still reviewing the questions and will provide responses as soon as possible.
AHCCCS is committed to improving service to providers by keeping you informed of upcoming changes. Changes are being made to the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP) effective 04/27/2025.
Effective 04/27/2025, the following changes are being made to APEP:
No action is needed at this time. Existing AHCCCS providers will update the information on the next modification or revalidation application. However, any other changes should be reported to AHCCCS in a timely manner.
Providers do not need to sign a new Provider Participation Agreement at this time. However, a new agreement is required with any modification or revalidation application as well as new applications.
Providers are subject to the new terms of the agreement posted to the website 30 days after the agreement is published.
Additional information will be provided closer to the actual effective date of the changes.
Starting on March 16, 2025, the field labeled as “Telemedicine”, found in the Add Locations step, will be changed to “In Person/Telehealth”. The previous response options of Y/N will be replaced by a drop down with the following options:
All providers completing new applications and revalidations will be required to complete this mandatory field.
This change is in accordance with amendments to 42 USC 1396a.
AHCCCS is aware of an issue that occurred involving APEP requiring all users to reset their password before they can login.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We want to assure you that the password reset email you received from noreply@acentra.com via oracle.com is legitimate and safe to use.
To reset your password, please follow these steps:
Please note the link is only valid for 24 hours. If the link has expired, you can request a new one by following these steps:
If you manage multiple accounts, you will need to follow the steps above for each account.
If you are unable to login after following the steps above, you can contact us the following ways:
We apologize for any inconvenience.
In accordance with 42 CFR 455.450(e)(2), the risk level for Community Service Agencies (Provider Type A3) has been changed to high risk effective 12/09/2024. Due to the change in risk level, a Fingerprint-Based Criminal Background Check is required for all new and pending applications, as well as revalidations.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have issued the 2025 Provider Enrollment application fee amount. The enrollment fee for calendar year 2025 is $730, effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.
For more information on Provider Enrollment application fees, see Provider Enrollment Policy Manual, chapter 105 and the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP) under Provider Enrollment Application Fees.
Yesterday, a communication was sent about a system issue impacting the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP). Emails were not being sent for new APEP logins or requests to reset a password. The issue has been resolved and providers should be receiving emails as expected.
AHCCCS is aware of a system issue that is impacting the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP). Currently when a user establishes a new APEP login OR requests a password reset, the emails are not being sent to allow the user to take the intended action.
AHCCCS is working to get the issue corrected as soon as possible and will send a follow-up communication when the issue has been resolved.
AHCCCS is committed to improving service to providers. A new Provider Enrollment Policy Manual is now available and can be found on the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment website. The direct link to the new tool can be found here: Provider Enrollment Policy Manual.
Providers are encouraged to review the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Policy Manual. A training video will be available to you on the APEP page of azahcccs.gov in the Resources section.
The Provider Enrollment Policy Manual is a tool for providers to help determine requirements when applying to become an AHCCCS enrolled provider.
Key features of the Provider Enrollment Policy Manual:
Please note that this enrollment manual does not replace or implement any new requirements than what is set forth in the AHCCCS Medical Provider Manual (AMPM) chapter 610. This tool is to assist providers in understanding enrollment requirements that are supported in AHCCCS Policies and Procedures.
AHCCCS is committed to improving service to providers. A new Provider Enrollment Policy Manual will be available beginning 12/01/2024 and will be available on the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment website (https://www.azahcccs.gov/APEP).
This new tool is a comprehensive manual that offers specific provider enrollment screening criteria such as screening activities by risk level, requirements for fingerprint based criminal background checks, site visits and more! The new manual will also give provider type-specific requirements for screening and enrollment.
Please note that this enrollment manual does not replace or implement any new requirements than what is set forth in the AHCCCS Medical Provider Manual (AMPM) chapter 610. This tool is to assist providers in understanding enrollment requirements that are supported in AHCCCS Policies and Procedures.
New Step Require for Individual Rendering/Servicing Providers.
AHCCCS recently implemented a system change in the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal which requires action to be taken for applying rendering/servicing providers. The document below outlines what is expected at this new step of the application process.
Effective 09/14/2024, as a result of SB1062 the title "Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor" (LISAC) changed to "Licensed Independent Addiction Counselor". As a result, AHCCCS changed the name of the provider type to match the new license title. The provider type for AHCCCS Provider Enrollment will remain “A4” and reflect the new title.
Since this is only a name change, providers with an A4 provider type will not be required to do anything to update their AHCCCS records. AHCCCS is not requiring providers to take any action on their AHCCCS Provider Enrollment, as it relates to the title name change.
The new title will present in the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP) as follows:
All providers are required to revalidate their enrollment at least every four years. When it is time to revalidate, providers are sent a notification 90 days before the revalidation is required to be completed.
The file below is a list of providers who are currently required to revalidate their enrollment and the due date for their revalidation. Failure to revalidate may result in termination of enrollment with AHCCCS.
To improve service to providers, AHCCCS has recently released many new and helpful resources on the Provider Enrollment website.
These resources include:
Providers are encouraged to check the AHCCCS web page regularly for other helpful resources.
Providers Must Take Action to Resolve an APEP Domain Transfer Before Contacting AHCCCS (Effective February 22, 2024)
Due to significant security concerns, AHCCCS froze call center agent-assisted domain transfers in January 2024.
A domain transfer, or domain access, is when access to a provider’s AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP) application is granted to another person. For example, when an individual provider begins working for a new organization, the new organization may need to be given domain access to update the individual provider’s associations.
To resolve a domain transfer issue, the provider is responsible for working with their previous employer or credentialist to have their APEP profile released.
In the rare instance when a provider has made a good faith attempt to contact the previous employer but has been unsuccessful, AHCCCS will assist with the domain transfer process in one of two ways:
AHCCCS will prioritize tickets that have a subject line of “Domain Transfer”, with a goal of responding within 10 days. If you do not include all the information listed above, the ticket will be closed and you will need to submit a new, complete ticket.
AHCCCS will provide additional information about the Domain Transfer process in the coming weeks. Please watch for an email from us, look for a web page update, and subscribe to Provider Enrollment email news alerts.
Given the level of concern regarding the Group Biller Services Address Update letter that was mailed to registered group billers on February 2, 2024, AHCCCS has made the decision to hold the APEP system release that was scheduled to go into effect on February 18, 2024.
The planned system change is for the purpose of cleaning up service addresses listed on Group Biller profiles in APEP. New enrollment applications are not needed as a result of this system change. The change will not impact the ability to bill, be paid, or any existing billing processes.
Over the coming weeks, AHCCCS will be offering additional opportunities for Group Billers to better understand the system change.
AHCCCS Provider Enrollment thanks providers who were able to attend the open-door Zoom meeting to review the upcoming changes to services addresses on Group Biller applications in the AHCCCS Provider Enrollment Portal (APEP). The system changes are effective 02/18/2024.
For those who were unable to attend the meeting or would like to review the information again, the following resources are now available: